Tuesday, August 5, 2014

شــعـــر و حـــكـــمـــة

    جميل  : نشيد بلاد العرب أوطاني بتوزيع مبتكر

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

I chose group 2 activity 
communication mode: interpretive
level: intermediate-low

I would like to plan for this activity in a different way. 
Since this is a distance learning classroom, I would provide a video that tells about the weather in many Arab countries. Each student will choose one country to observe its weather, then all students will submit their observations in one collaborative chart on Google docs. 
Google images
students will also answer one question about their impression of the weather in Arab countries. 
Assessment: students are asked to submit a note (more like an exit card) which consists of a few sentences, comparing the weather in their location with another one form the list of Arab countries (a different one of what they filled out in the chart on the Google Doc).  
Google images

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Working remotely in groups worked in an interesting way after a considerable amount of effort to make it happen. Initially, we connected on Google hangouts, email and Yammer chat. The main challenge was time; we kept connecting and re-connecting to find a good time that will suit all of us. Later, when it worked out, all were happy and we accomplished the required task.

1- In developing assessment for group activities in D L environment I would think of making a chart in Google docs that would have a list of all names of the group members, next to it a list of times of availability showing slots of time that will suit all members. This is the first issue. 
2- The second issue is defining and dividing tasks among all members. 
3- A third issue is including a rubric for individual assessment done by each member of the group. This will give me a better idea of what I could include and improve when describing requirements or descriptions of a group activity.
4- I would include a space for suggestions for improvement and what worked and what didn't work.     

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Moving from the traditional face-to-face classroom to the online or the blended environment needs a paradigm shift of the teaching approach. This requires the teacher to take the seat of the student and see how things will look like to her/him; are the instructions clear? is there a better alternative that will serve the same purpose? In a better, more efficient way? Usually, I tend to focus on the presentational mode. In order to avoid the focus on one mode, I always go back to the main objective of the lesson; then re-focus on thinking how and what the students could do with the information that they are learning in order to involve the interpretive and the interpersonal modes? How these two modes could be used in real life?
I think that the online or distance learning environment should have a positive impact on my practice. Students tend to use tech tools more than we might think, this usage is the natural thing to do!

Friday, April 25, 2014

connecting with other language teachers is extremely beneficial for educating myself and others. I always strive and search to be up-to-date with practical ways of handling teaching /learning issues. I like listening to other educators and learn from their experiences and findings. Currently, depending on the classes I teach, I'm using many different tools with my colleagues and students: Delicious, Facebook (Talk12 Teachers of Arabic Language), LinkedIn, Edmodo, Voicethread, Pintrest, many of Google apps, PhotoPeach, Wordle, Animoto and many more. I also follow websites and on list-serves: Discovery education, Edutopia, the international Society for Technology in Education (ISTE), ASCD SmartBrief on EdTech... I'm in a constant search for usable authentic material, cultural events, songs, drama, movies.... I'm a member of: ACTFL, Ohio Foreign Language Association, Central States Conference Advisory board, a presenter at language conferences, lead teacher at Startalk teacher program.
Take a look at this website: http://www.new-educ.com/what-is-pln#.U1soIvldWSp

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

meeting w/group for online discussion

Connecting with new colleagues in the online environment was a hard thing to do because of time. Finding the right time that will suit all of the group members was the toughest. When a contact was made and a time was set, I couldn't make it because I was driving on the highway and traffic was slow because of an accident! Naturally, it wasn't the best feeling that I had. I was thinking that it would have been better if there was an exchange of phone numbers to avoid such situation.