Friday, April 25, 2014

connecting with other language teachers is extremely beneficial for educating myself and others. I always strive and search to be up-to-date with practical ways of handling teaching /learning issues. I like listening to other educators and learn from their experiences and findings. Currently, depending on the classes I teach, I'm using many different tools with my colleagues and students: Delicious, Facebook (Talk12 Teachers of Arabic Language), LinkedIn, Edmodo, Voicethread, Pintrest, many of Google apps, PhotoPeach, Wordle, Animoto and many more. I also follow websites and on list-serves: Discovery education, Edutopia, the international Society for Technology in Education (ISTE), ASCD SmartBrief on EdTech... I'm in a constant search for usable authentic material, cultural events, songs, drama, movies.... I'm a member of: ACTFL, Ohio Foreign Language Association, Central States Conference Advisory board, a presenter at language conferences, lead teacher at Startalk teacher program.
Take a look at this website:


  1. Salam Sanaa. It is exciting to see you enthusiastic about using all these new technological that are out there in your classroom to facilitate language learning for your students. I am wondering if you considered the amount of time it takes to stay connected with all of these professional networks. They are quite demanding and tend to pull a person away from many aspects in their lives! How will you achieve balance? Best regards, Belal.

  2. As for using the tools, usually, I don't use all tools that I know in the one class. I practice and use the one tool when I can confidently use it and be creative. Then it depends on the age and the level, on the expectations that I have for my students in a particular class, and, most importantly, on the availability or access of technology.

    Professional networking doesn't need to be constant 24/7! Checking on the highlights, latest news, and discussions of interest is usually a source of support and encouragement. When I get to help another fellow teacher, or discuss an issue to better understand it, it gives a good sense of accomplishment. When I learn a new technique, I'm happy.

    When I started as an Arabic teacher there were barely any help or support available, so I struggled, and I found my way to improve on my own. Now that I can offer support to my fellow teachers, I know that I can be a positive part in improving the state of Arabic teaching and teachers.
    Thank you Belal for your comment.
